You ARE an artist. You are creative. That is how I designed you. But you misunderstand your design. You are not creating things yourself or conjuring art out of thin air, causing people to notice you. You are the VESSEL that I pour Myself through. Your art, your story, your song, your body of work is really mine. You just allow Me to shine through you. It is a process we do together that you get to put your name on. And if you would just remember that, you could remain humble while receiving much praise, knowing it's because of Me that you can do what you do. You could handle rejection or criticism with grace, knowing it is Me who is being rejected or criticized, not you.
I created all my children to interact with Me, to enjoy Me, to give Me glory. You are not complete when you choose to do anything apart from Me and neither am I. I am the Giver of gifts so that I can be seen in the earth, so that all may draw close to me and find the unconditional love they are searching for.
There is no need to hold back for fear of rejection. That is to place more importance on your self than on Me, which only causes you to become uninspired. You don't have to worry about whether or not anything you make will be a masterpiece, it ALL is. It's from the Master! And really that is just a judgment meant to make you feel more important anyway. If you accept your place in the creative process, you'll see that you already ARE important. Really. I cannot create if you don't cooperate. Remember that next time you get stuck and see if that helps 'un-stick' you. :)